Organic agricultural products right to your table!

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How was KJ Farm Fresh Built?

KJ Farm Fresh came to life not just to promote organic farming and its ways. It was built to satisfy a visible need in the market. When the average customer goes to shop for farm products today, they have no way of knowing which products are truly organic.

‘Organic’ has become a market phrase that is used by anyone and everyone to sell their products but is there really a way to verify whether a certain product is organic? Farmers everywhere throughout the country use chemical fertilizers in their crops to increase their yield. This is done primarily because if a poor farmer were to entirely depend on organic ways and methods, there is a good chance that their lifestyle would crumble. Hence, they need to enhance their product to increase their profits. However, in this process, the product itself is tainted and becomes unhealthy. Once this product is in the market, how does one distinguish good products from the bad?

All of KJ Farm Fresh products are FSSAI and NOP (National Program for Organic Product) approved. This means that everything that is produced here is checked by an NOP official for a stamp of approval before it is rolled out to the public. That is how we keep our services fully organic and trustworthy!


Our mantra is simple: Make Organic Food Available For All

Organic products in the market today are very costly and as a result, unaffordable to a large number of the public. At KJ Farm Fresh, we strive to create healthy organic crops and produce pure cow and buffalo milk and ghee that are priced in such a way that even the common people can afford it.


“We work for a healthier tomorrow”

By creating self-efficient organic communities, we pave way for self-sustainability. It is important to make this measure available to all. This is why KJ Farm Fresh is an initiative that is concerned with affordability and accessibility, and not mere profits. It is our responsibility to use the land we have to the best and organic measures with the help of modern technology and by eliminating chemicals from the process.

We at KJ Farm Fresh believe that with organic food products made available for all at an affordable price, soon the world could be eating healthy. From dawn to dusk every day, we dream of such a world where no one consumes chemical-ridden food with adverse effects in store for them.


We follow a strict code of values for ourselves:

-Supreme truthfulness

We follow transparency in everything we do. NOP officers or the general public can stop by anytime to ensure that their products are being made organically.

-Supreme purity

Any form of adulteration in food practically ruins it. We go out of our way to ensure that the food produced by us is healthy, organic and purely manufactured.

-Ahimsa (Non-Violence)

Be it farming or our daily life, we always believe in the one true value taught to us by Gandhiji: non-violence. Practicing ahimsa keeps us able to produce stellar products with stellar results daily.

-Sadbhav (Harmony)

Nature, by itself, is a very harmonious creation. It is our interference that has ruined it. This is why we’ve always maintained minimal intrusion and ensured that we don’t disturb the natural harmony of things. Activities at KJFF start from the first ray of the sun and ends with the last. We do not pursue any production activity after sunset.

– Karuna (Compassion)

Without love and respect, man cannot live with nature. It is important to show compassion to all other living things around us instead of just taking from them as we please.

– Innovation & Technology

Farming is not what it used to be. By using the latest technology, we ensure that farming remains updated and can be practised at the highest efficiency.